My stories are what I like reading, my thoughts are blunt and straight forward, mostly what I hoped other people would have told me. Most of this was done because I ran out of good stuff to read or because I thought other books were full of crap. John French was written because I was tired of a teen protagonist who was so stupid, emotional, and Ummm....Sexually promiscuous that I wanted to write one myself. I made a world I thought was cool with powers I wished I had and went from there. Your Fiancee Is An Alien is knowledge I wish someone had told me when Heidi and I were starting out.
Will you like my book? I dunno. Will they help anyone? I dunno. But here they are. My hope is that when you read my fiction work, you find a fun clean escape. My hope when you read my non-fiction is that you gain some small bit of knowledge that helps you move forward in life. Well, I figure I should introduce myself if you're not familiar with me. Below are some pictures of me and my baby girl, she is around 8 in this picture. To the side of that is Heidi and I when we were babies ourselves.
We may have jumped headfirst into our relationship but I got lucky, not so sure if she did. A couple of years later our little brat came along. To say that Izzy is amazing would be selling her short, but then what parent doesn't think that. I currently live in the Triad, a group of three larger cities in North Carolina. My family and I moved here a while back, originally my family and I are from Upstate New York. Don't hold it against me. My parents are some of my best friends, they are amazing people, honestly, I got insanely lucky in this department. Mom and Dad had me when they were very young and somehow turned out to be the best parents ever. Dad and I own a gym in High Point NC together for the last several years now. Mom and I love to cause trouble along with my sister Yania. She is the best. We adopted here several years ago. I'll write a blog about that later, in fact, I'll probably write a book about it. To put it in simple terms, she is the biggest miracle I have ever seen first hand.
When I turned 19 I was ordained and became the Children's Minister at a church in High Point NC. I left just under 4 years later to start a gym with a business partner. When I was 23 I turned pro in boxing and did that full time along with gym work for several years. Traveling and fighting were amazing! During this time Dad and I decided it was time for us to start our own gym and this Edge Fitness and Combat Arts LLC was born. I also started a computer repair and web design company with my cousin during this time. In March of 2020, I returned to full-time ministry as the lead pastor of The Crossing Church in Kernersville NC. I have my associate's degree in Biblical Studies from Carolina Christian University and recently I have started pursuing my next degree from Liberty University. I like long walks on the beach and.... well never mind. The bottom line, life has been crazy and amazing for me. I have been blessed beyond belief! I look forward to this journey as I write books and share them with people. It scares me but it also excites me.